2 tips for those who need to have a termite inspection performed in their home

If you think that termites may have invaded your home and have decided to have a termite inspection performed to confirm your suspicions, you might find these two tips to be useful. 

1. Make it easy for the employee of the pest control company to inspect your home

It's important to make it as easy as possible for the employee that the pest control company send to inspect your property for these insects. This will not only ensure that the inspection process doesn't take too long but will also increase the chances of this expert finding evidence of the presence of termites (if there is an infestation in the property). For example, if the walls inside your home are lined with wooden skirting boards, then you should drag any large pieces of furniture (such as your wardrobe, sofa or bed) away from these walls, as this will enable the person from the pest control company to fully examine the entire length of each board.

Similarly, if you have wooden windowsills or shutters, you should remove any ornaments or framed photos from the windowsills, so that the pest control professional can inspect every inch of each windowsill and can open and close the shutters, to check the panels for termite holes, without knocking over any of your decorative objects. Additionally, if you think there might be termites in your attic, you should ensure that you have a sturdy ladder for the pest control employee to use when they need to enter this area of the property. If you don't do this, and the employee hasn't brought along their own ladder, they might not be able to inspect this area.

2. Be cautious when you handle or step on wooden components of your home if the results of the inspection indicate that it is infested

If the results of this inspection indicate that your home is in fact, harbouring termites, you will then need to arrange for the house to be treated with chemicals to get rid of these insects. However, if you need some time to find another place to stay during the fumigation, or if you cannot move out at the moment because of other commitments that require you to be at home, it might be a few weeks (or even a couple of months) before you can book a date for the pest control employees to perform the treatment.

During this waiting period, it is important to be cautious when you need to handle or step on any wooden components around your home. The reason for this is as follows; termite-infested objects are often not as stable or sturdy as they were prior to being infested. As such, if for example, you decide to exercise in your home and you jump down very forcefully on an infested wooden floorboard, the floorboard might crack and your foot might end up injured. Similarly, if you place a heavy object on an infested wooden windowsill, the weakened sill might bow under the object's weight.

Given this, if you don't want your home to sustain any additional damage during this period, it is best to take a gentle approach when you come into contact with any wooden items.

535 Words

About Me

Pest Control Solutions: A Guide Hello! My name is Gina. Last month, I had some serious problems with pests in my home. My home is really old and it is full of wood so when I discovered that my property had woodworm, I was really upset. Thankfully, the pest control people were really great. They came out to my property right away and got to work. First, they assessed the extent of the problem. They then treated the wood to kill off the woodworm and to protect the wood. I'm overjoyed that the problem is solved. I hope this blog helps you to deal with your pest control problem.




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